CSI invites students to submit a presentation for the 2023 Leadership Conference.
*This includes students presenting as groups, and our Student CSI staff are encouraged to participate as well!
The deadline for submission is March 10th, 2023. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 15th, 2023.
The Leadership Conference provides an opportunity for students to learn about leadership, develop skills, reflect on current issues, and network with peers and experts in the field.
Our Student Presentations Session fosters a climate of learning and collaboration, as well as provides a safe and welcoming environment for students to practice communication skills and learn from each other.
If during the school year you wrote an interesting paper for a course that inspired or motivated you, or if you participated in/ developed a project you enjoyed, please consider writing an abstract summarizing your proposal, and submitting it for presentation at the conference.
Presentations will be made in a PowerPoint format and will be up to 10 minutes.
Format of abstracts and presentations:
- Abstracts for submission must be no longer than 500 words.
- Includes an introduction, development/ methods, outcomes, and conclusion.
- Each author will be responsible for writing and designing their PowerPoint presentations (there is no limitation of words, must be no longer than 10 minutes).
- PowerPoint presentations must be submitted to CSI Leadership by no later than March 17th, 2:00pm ET.
All subjects for presentations are welcome.
Some examples can be topics in early childhood education, business, engineering, computer sciences, nursing, health services, sustainability, mechanics, languages, learning English as an additional language, and quantitative/ qualitative research.
Students interested in doing a presentation on their experiences with CSI programs such as: service leaders, leadership ambassadors, clubs, student advisory committees, etc., are also welcomed to submit an abstract.