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Our Top 5 Tips to Make the Most of Virtual Learning!

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While many students have gotten used to virtual learning, it does not come without challenges. Not having a teacher or classmates physically present for assistance and support can be difficult for some, and for others, it may be challenging to manage time and limit your distractions (Why do work, when Netflix is right there?).

Here are CSI’s top 5 tips to help you OWN your virtual learning experience:

1. Prepare your Space

You’ve got a laptop, now what?? Some courses may require additional materials aside from having what you need in the technology department.

Here is a list of things you should have on hand: notebook, pens/pencils, highlighters, calculator and water bottle.

An organized space with adequate light and comfortability is ideal for a virtual learning environment. Plus, you can make it cute by adding personal touches like photos, motivational art, or fun little desk accessories!


2. Establish a Routine

When you wake up in the morning, do something to help start your day. This can be as simple as getting dressed, making breakfast, grabbing a coffee, meditating, or journaling. Having a positive start to each day can help you feel motivated.

Designate time throughout your day for physical exercise, eating meals, and taking breaks! This can include going for a walk during your break between classes, preparing lunch and snacks the night before so that you have them on hand, and taking a break from screen time after your day of virtual learning. Calling a friend or reading a book are great ways to rest your eyes from blue light!


3. Plan it out! 

The best way to plan your schedule is a calendar, whether digital or on paper. A calendar will help you to keep track of:

  • Daily class times
  • Meeting times with your classmates for group projects
  • Meetings times with your professors
  • Assignment due dates
  • Dates of tests and exams

When you have your work visibly laid out for you, you will feel motivated to complete it.


4. Limit Distractions

We all know the naked feeling we have without our cellphones in hand. When it comes to focusing, it is typically our number one distraction. During class time, or time where you should be working on your assignments, PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!

It could be placed in another room or put on silent in your desk drawer. Doing so will allow you to focus on the learning material and the tasks you have at hand.


5. Reward Yourself

Virtual learning is not easy. It takes motivation, patience, and time management.

Therefore it’s important to be proud of your achievements and reward yourself when completing your tasks. Working toward something that makes you happy helps you maintain your focus to get things done!

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